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Recent Posts

So tired

 Just wanted to check in and give a shout out to all the moms, but especially the ones who sew/knit/quilt/etc. It's so hard. It's so hard not having time for the hobbies that fill us up. It's so hard being a mom all day and then being so exhausted by the end of the day that you...Read more

Make Nine

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Every year my good friend, Rochelle, hosts a Make Nine Challenge. I've joined a few times in the past, but have never fully completed all nine projects. This year is going to be different, I'm joining in AND completing everything. Aren't you soooooo excited?!?!?What's different about...Read more


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Whoa. Since 2002 I have been blogging in some form. It started out on Live Journal and then transferred over to Blogger. Sometimes posts would be written and go up several times a week, sometimes two posts in a day. Now it looks like the "latest" post was almost a year ago 😳  In...Read more

Mom life, blog life.

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Can you really call yourself a blogger when you don't blog? This space has been silent for the last 7 + months, shout out to baby Dean for that. According to the last post back in February I was pregnant, now let's time travel ahead to September 2019 and I have a seven month old baby....Read more

Seamwork Almada

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Hiiiiiiiii! It's definitely been a minute since my last post and I've had a major change in my life. If you don't already know from following me on Instagram, I'm pregnant. Despite a lack of blog posts, sewing still has been happening behind the scenes (or in front of the scenes if...Read more

Power Clash!

Power clashing is when you wear leopard print shoes, a black and white striped t-shirt, and a floral corduroy pinafore. Ok, that is not the exact definition of power clashing and I don't know what the official definition is, but I feel like this outfit fits the description of what...Read more